Bart Nagel lives in Oakland, California, with his wife Bonnie, and their child Jinx.
email: my name here at this website.
mobile: 510.697.1760
While most of my work is on location, I do have a tidy studio for clients who prefer to come to me, with a large shooting area, a green room, a bathroom, and various setup options, including natural light. The studio is located in what the real estate agents laughably call NOBE—North Oakland/Berkeley/Emeryville—dumb name, but convenient location off of Highway 80, between the Ashby and Powell street exits. This neighborhood has had many names over the years; Paradise Park, Golden Gate, Klinknerville, Rancho San Antonio, and well before that, the land of the Huchiun Ohlone. The long trudge of gentrification has brought us a 24-hour gas station, a burrito truck, coffee shops, and a vegan donut dispensary. Parking is still relatively easy, the Amtrak Station is nearby, there’s a bus stop on the corner … but we are in the tsunami zone if (or shall I say, when) that happens.